Hey ya'll! This Lesson post is a bit late as we're now on Lesson #3 this week... But for those of you who've only been recently 'invited', I've started an online photography class.... and am *loving it!* (by canice stringham at jessicasprague.com)
So we learned all about apertures and which ones for which effects, but I don't think I'll go into much detail here, except to say that on my Canon it's the setting that's indicated as 'AV', and if I select a low/open aperture, like f/3.5 (or something), then the background of my photos will be all blurred, with the subject being in focus... And if I use a high/more closed aperture, like f/22 (or so), then the background will be much more in focus, along with the subject, adding more 'noise' to the whole effect of the photo.
So that's basically it, in a nutshell. (Sorry that it's just a 'nutshell', but... that's what ya get tonight.)
Anyways...wanna see what I submitted as my assignment? Okay, but first let me check to see if Candice has had a chance to view/comment on it yet, so I can add her comments as well...good or bad. K? Hold on.
Okay~ no comments yet, but here's my photos:

Shutter Speed 1/30 sec
Aperture f/5
ISO 1600
Focal Length 39 mm
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
18-55mm Lens

Shutter Speed .3 sec
Aperture f/9
ISO 800
Focal Length 21 mm
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
18-55mm Lens
Do you love your XSi? We have the XTi and its pretty good. I'm going to show Taryn this site so she might get inspired to do scrap booking again. She used to be a concept artist for Stampin up and hasn't touch it since she quit.
I *do* love my XSi. And I love learning how to use the thing too!
That's pretty awesome about Taryn being a concept artist for Stampin' Up!, as I used to be a Demonstrator. That ended a year ago last fall when we moved to England. It was kind of a relief actually. So I know where she's comin' from.
But I think I'm gonna have a scrap night at my house again this month, if I can find time to schedule it in...so let her know she's welcome! Either to scrap, or just sit and chat~ either is fine, and more than one of us come every now and then to just to sit and chat and get ideas. Let her know that I'll be calling her for the next one! :D
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