The above is a great shot I happened upon, with no planning or skill involved. Just pure luck. I say this because I took this shot of him, along with a million others, after just opening up my new Cannon Rebel DSLR camera. I had put in a newly charged battery, turned the "on" switch on, and started pointing and shooting on "auto." And this is one of the great shots I ended up catching. Thanks though to my husband who was tickling my son to get some fun laughs and smiles out of him (instead of those fake-and-let-me-pose-a-smile-for-you- smiles).

And this lovely page was totally scraplifted from the mag Clean & Simple, Scrapbooking The Sequel, by Cathy Zielske. Love her designs. They're very clean....and simple. What can I say? It's true! So...these pics were of our airplane ride home from England, a very long couple of flights indeed. All I can say is that the next time we attempt it, at least the baby will be older than he was that first time, and hopefully will be more manageable and agreeable (and actually sleep!).
I like this page, too. Poor kids. They probably had it a little rough, too, mommy. Its a long long ways to get back to little ol' Utah!
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