So here I am... in this digital scrapbooking class (, and I'm thinkin'.... I have SO MUCH TO LEARN.
Photoshop never ceases to amaze me at all the wonderful, amazing things it can do! I can't even list them here yet, because I'm not quite sure yet of all that I've done! I'm gonna have to go back to my tutorial for the references in order to get a list compiled, sheesh!
For a minute I thought that maybe this class was a bit over my head. But only for a minute.
Or less.
Because I then realized that, Hey, I can do all this stuff~ I just need to do it over and over and over and over again. Until it all sticks!
Somehow I keep forgetting that part. ;)
We're now into Week 3, so I have a couple of layouts to show you! This first one here was a speed scrap with a 30 min. time frame... from start to finish. Including the photo that was to be used. And I must admit that this was very first speed scrap...E.V.E.R. (So be kind.) I kept going back and forth with myself about whether or not to be intimidated.
I'm happy to say though that the non-intimidation side of myself won out in the end. And I turned it in just how you see it below, without drop shadows as I ran out of time at the end.

I know~ I'm so sorry. Very not like me.
(And if you were wondering, that's a diorama my daughter made for school for the walrus.
Yep, that's supposed to be a walrus.)

Overlays GraphicSunPrintsOV, Elements StickPinzRndTag
From Jessica Sprague: JSprague_4_squareTemplate, JSprague_grungeFrame1
Fonts: Asman, Century Gothic
This is what we made for Week 2, and we learned how to:
Create a grungy-edged focal photo
Clean up color casts on photos
Practice hotkeys for opening, creating, and closing documents, and creating new layers
Use a four-square template to create a circular photo block
Create reversed-out journaling strips
Darken paper edges for dramatic effect
Re-color and blend an overlay
Then to bring you current~ here's last Monday's layout.

From KPertiet: FairyDreamer-8, BotanistNo7-2, BrownStitching,
OntheEdgeFluorishes2-1G, OntheEdgeFluorishes3-6G, SnapFrames, Katie_Quotes
From JSprague: RedSolid,
Brushes: DD_MWISE_A_LA_MODE_Brushes_Scroll3, Jack-n-MeAlpha_blank
Fonts: American Typewriter
Create a layout using a sampled color scheme
Cut patterned paper without cutting
Sharpen photos
Create a mask with a combination of brushes and drawing tools
Cut and paste to resize frames
Create a custom brush from an image file
Add a semi-transparent photo to the background of our layout
Seriously, I *love* this class. I'm learning a lot, and a bunch of shortcuts (finally), and creating some rockin' layouts in the process.
Thanks for lookin' and listenin'!
I love the super fly layout! Way cute!
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