Yes, my friends, it is OVER!!!!
Boy!~ Did Halloween just feel like it was being totally ~dragged out~ to you, or what? Well, it did to me, and we have even one more party to go. My adorable niece is having her Bday party today, even though her actual bday is on the 3rd. But as she wanted a Halloween Themed Party, it's going to be today~ the day after.
But isn't it nice to think that, yeah, it's November now! I think I like that idea. And I'm loving the weather here where I live so far too. Last year at this time, me and my family were living in England, and it was *really* nice there too, in Essex, as the weather wasn't severe *at all!* Well, at least compared to what it's like here in the mid-West. Pretty soon here we'll be *covered* in snow, and freezing temperatures and not even able to take out the trash without a *really good* winter coat on. And a scarf. Oh, and gloves and boots too.
Blah! Who wants that?! NOT ME! Can I go back to England now? Just for the winter? They say winter is the wort time over there as it's wet and windy...but I really wouldn't mind that so much. I'd rather *not* be sliding all over the roads on a thick sheet of ice that never really melts until the following April/May!
Okay~ Enough of my drivel for now... Here's some exciting news!
Join us each month in the community forum for a brand new 'Pimp My Page Challenge'. Download the template. Pimp-ify it (using mostly PC products) and post your finished product in our gallery for a chance to win a store gift card!
Now that Halloween's over and done with (well, almost), here are some NEW products at Peppermint Creative:
Spook-tacular new products for all your Halloween photos PLUS stunning pre-made albums,
the perfect holiday gift! Click the images below or click here to see all the latest additions.
Kooky Spooky Papers | Kooky Spooky Elements | Feltabet Alphabet-Spooks |
And then if you're looking for some good Christmas kits...they're starting to make an appearance:
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